Sounds like an easy concept. Right? Well don't be fooled. Positive Thinking is probably one of the things we as people find the hardest to do. I am sure even the experts that created the concept have had a hard time keeping positive when things become overwhelming or when faced with that sense of helplessness. I am no expert on the subject but near as I can figure the concept of Positive Thinking is, rather then dwell on a bad situation, look at it as an opportunity to change the course of your life, a time to reflect by taking a closer look at yourself, your situation in life and determine the best course of action. Although Positive Thinking is no easy task here is some good news. Positive Thinking encourages us to be clear of mind. A clear mind will allow us to trust our instincts and find true happiness. Here are some Things to Keep in Mind on the hour every hour. Affirm positive thinking by:
- Staying optimist at all times, you will get nowhere if you are constantly beating yourself up mentally or physically, through alcohol or drugs
- Be realistic and think through your decisions and explore your options
- Talk positive about yourself, focus on your good qualities and expand on your areas of improvement
- Be able to laugh at yourself or a situation, rather then get embarrassed or upset
- Develop a belief that things happen for a reason, our job is to find out what the reason is
- When things get you down as they sometimes will, put a smile on your face and watch it change your attitude
- Listen to up beat music
- Take quiet time to reflect on your decisions and choices you are considering or have made through the day
Recommended Reading: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
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