I Am A Sign - I inform the public as to my purchaser's name and the products he sells, assisting him in maintaining a profitable enterprise so he can pay his employees, his suppliers, and his taxes
I Am A Sign - Ask any major all company, bank, retail food chain, shopping center, automobile manufacturer or dealer, clothier, jewelry store, etc. how long they could operate at profit without my help
I Am A Sign - I made Coca Cola the best-known name in the world
I Am A Sign - Times Square in New York City became a world famous tourist attraction because of me
I Am A Sign - I am the bright jewel that shines in the night; helping to make our streets safer than they otherwise would be without me
I Am A Sign - Reduce me to unreasonable small, size or blend into a building, and you have destroyed my usefulness
I Am A Sign - Like human beings, there all kinds of us - good and bad - and the majority should not be condemned for the signs of the majority
I Am A Sign - The very politicians who seek to do away with me and my kind are the first to turn to us for aid when they run for re-election
I Am A Sign - All other forms of advertising are sporadic, I am the only constant
I Am A Sign - Limited by architects, discouraged by city planners, restricted by ordinances, and degraded by newspaper-nevertheless, I am the most efficient and economic form of advertising ever devised by the mind of a man. I am the difference between a live city and a dead city. I am a sign, and I am proud of it!
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